Specific sectors, nothing specific in mind, but banks should do pretty much well for the next two-three weeks or so and we will be entering into earnings season and those are the keys and news flow which you should watch out for because when the company declares the earnings that is when we have the maximum volatility and a lot of trading also happens around those events. So, I think we are in for a quiet week from the news flow point of view, but pretty busy towards the end of next month.
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/VQ6zn0N
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Saturday, September 30, 2023
Friday, September 29, 2023
China stock investors say worst yet to come in property crisis
That’s the view from nine of 15 respondents in an informal Bloomberg News survey of analysts and money managers based in Hong Kong and mainland China. Six of them listed housing woes as the biggest risk for equities for the final quarter of 2023. Geopolitical tensions emerged as the second-biggest concern.
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/QNxesZG
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/QNxesZG
Daily Voice | Energy transition and power space is an exciting segment to focus on, says this fund manager

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-energy-transitionpower-space-isexciting-segment-to-focus-on-says-this-fund-manager_17255861.html
Daily Voice | Energy transition and power space is an exciting segment to focus on, says this fund manager

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-energy-transitionpower-space-isexciting-segment-to-focus-on-says-this-fund-manager_17255871.html
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Daily Voice | Why Sampath Reddy of Bajaj Allianz suggests shifting to largecaps and flexicaps

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-why-sampath-reddybajaj-allianz-suggests-shifting-to-largecapsflexicaps_17254411.html
India will be able to issue 1 lakh patents in a year in the next 18 months’ time: Sanjeev Sanyal

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/india-will-be-able-to-issue-1-lakh-patentsa-yearthe-next-18-months’-time-sanjeev-sanyal_17254031.html
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Daily Voice | Unmesh Sharma of HDFC Securities explains why green products and services theme should be on everyone#39;s radar

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-unmesh-sharmahdfc-securities-explainsgreen-productsservices-theme-should-beeveryone39s-radar_17253261.html
Daily Voice | Have green products and services theme on the radar; this analyst explains why

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-have-green-productsservices-themethe-radar-this-analyst-explains-why_17253271.html
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Daily Voice | Risk-reward looks attractive in largecaps over mid, smallcaps, says Rahul Baijal of HDFC AMC

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-risk-reward-looks-attractivelargecaps-over-mid-smallcaps-says-rahul-baijalhdfc-amc_17251481.html
Monday, September 25, 2023
Stocks in news: Tata Steel, Delta Corp, Strides Pharma, Century Textiles, Welspun Corp
Ashish Kacholia has sold stake in Delta Corp Ltd through bulk deals on Monday. The ace investor has offloaded about 15 lakh shares 0.56% in the company at Rs 144.65 apiece, according to exchange data.
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/FD5pMqY
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/FD5pMqY
Daily Voice | These 2 sectors can still give tremendous opportunities, says this fund manager

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-these-2-sectors-can-still-give-tremendous-opportunities-says-this-fund-manager_17250051.html
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Daily Voice | This portfolio manager is more bullish on ERD space within technology compared to traditional businesses

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-portfolio-manager-is-more-bullisherd-space-within-technology-compared-to-traditional-businesses_17248621.html
Daily Voice | PSU banks challenging dominance of private sector, says Alok Jain of Weekend Investing

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-psu-banks-challenging-dominanceprivate-sector-says-alok-jainweekend-investing_17247921.html
Friday, September 22, 2023
Daily Voice | Inclusion of Indian bonds in JPMorgan index to help balance of payments issue, says Ambit#39;s Sushant Bhansali

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-inclusionindian-bondsjpmorgan-index-to-help-balancepayments-issue-says-ambit39s-sushant-bhansali_17247661.html
A revised playbook for traders and investors -- both short and long term

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/5dcYrFx
Thursday, September 21, 2023
When rising US yields keep us guessing, what should investors do?

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/3zRoSpr
Daily Voice | This fund manager expects Fed’s hawkish tone to lead market consolidation in near term

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-fund-manager-expects-fed’s-hawkish-tone-to-lead-market-consolidationnear-term_17246431.html
Caution advised in Smallcap and Midcap Sectors midst market exuberance: Interview Axis Securities CIO

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/7982drt
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Daily Voice | RBI expected to hold rates steady in October, risk grows as Brent surpasses $90, says this portfolio manager

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-rbi-expected-to-hold-rates-steadyoctober-risk-grows-as-brent-surpasses-3690-says-this-portfolio-manager_17245131.html
Stocks in news: SJVN, Cipla, Infosys, Zydus, Apollo Tyres
Cipla's subsidiary InvaGen's manufacturing plant has received five inspectional observations in Form 483 from USFDA.
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/xhRFGQZ
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/xhRFGQZ
Look for pockets where earnings are depressed to find value buys: Sage One’s Samit Vartak

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/look-for-pocketsearningsdepressed-to-find-value-buys-sage-one’s-samit-vartak_17244561.html
Amit Jeswani #39;overweight#39; on consumer tech, to stay invested till stocks perform

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/i7MLV0j
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Upbeat on businesses in South India, women-centric brands: Marcellus#39; Rakshit Ranjan

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/TZhvi92
Asian stocks struggle as oil surge sets stage for hawkish Fed
Futures pricing implies almost no chance of a Fed hike at 1800 GMT, but traders, who have begun winding back bets on cuts in 2024 and will be closely focused on the U.S. central bank's economic projections and chair Jerome Powell's news conference.
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/RKbQ2eq
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/RKbQ2eq
Monday, September 18, 2023
Daily Voice | This strategist finds PSU banks significantly undervalued compared to their private peers

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-strategist-finds-psu-banks-significantly-undervalued-compared-to-their-private-peers_17243241.html
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Daily Voice | These 5 sectors will report strong earnings in Q2 FY24, says Nishit Master

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-these-5-sectors-will-report-strong-earningsq2-fy24-says-nishit-master_17241681.html
Daily Voice | These 5 sectors will report strong earnings in Q2 FY24, says Nishit Master

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-these-5-sectors-will-report-strong-earningsq2-fy24-says-nishit-master_17241691.html
Daily Voice | This PMS head is bullish on PSUs mainly in defence, metals mining segments

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-pms-head-is-bullishpsus-mainlydefence-metalsmining-segments_17241121.html
Friday, September 15, 2023
Nifty@20k: Experts on the #39;unpredictable, euphoric and record-breaking week#39;

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/CfksEw1
Nifty @20k: Market experts on the #39;unpredictable, euphoric and record-breaking week#39;

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/VkUPW4r
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Daily Voice | This analyst feels railway stocks#39; momentum can take a breather; pegs good outlook for defence

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-analyst-feels-railway-stocks39-momentum-can-takebreather-pegs-good-outlook-for-defence_17239581.html
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Daily Voice: Market not in bubble zone but caution is warranted, says this investment officer

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/sKrld36
Some smallcap stocks may fall 50-70%; power, defence scrips overstretched: Prashant Khemka

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://ift.tt/Cg1nxPW
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Daily Voice | This fund manager sees these 3 segments as proxy to play longer term theme on financialisation of savings

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-fund-manager-sees3-segments-as-proxy-to-play-longer-term-themefinancialisationsavings_17237041.html
Monday, September 11, 2023
Daily Voice | Small, microcap valuations look overly heated compared to growth potential, says this market veteran

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-small-microcap-valuations-look-overly-heated-compared-to-growth-potential-says-this-market-veteran_17235801.html
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Daily Voice | Hemant Kanawala of Kotak Mahindra Life sees significant opportunities in consumer electronics

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-hemant-kanawalakotak-mahindra-life-sees-significant-opportunitiesconsumer-electronics_17234421.html
Daily Voice | Hemant Kanawala of Kotak Mahindra Life sees significant opportunities in consumer electronics

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-hemant-kanawalakotak-mahindra-life-sees-significant-opportunitiesconsumer-electronics_17234431.html
Daily Voice | This smallcase manager is bullish on 4 tech firms, says they#39;re decadal stories

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-smallcase-manager-is-bullish4-tech-firms-says-they39re-decadal-stories_17233911.html
Friday, September 8, 2023
Daily Voice | This wealth manager sees lagecap valuations slightly expensive but not in bubble zone

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-wealth-manager-sees-lagecap-valuations-slightly-expensivenotbubble-zone_17233691.html
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Daily Voice | Digitisation must be in portfolio from a multi-year perspective, says this fund manager

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-digitisation-must-beportfolio-frommulti-year-perspective-says-this-fund-manager_17232621.html
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Daily Voice | According to this fund manager, electronics manufacturing space is a sunrise sector

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-according-to-this-fund-manager-electronics-manufacturing-space-issunrise-sector_17231311.html
Dollar shines as US economy outperforms, yen plumbs 10-month low
Against a basket of currencies, the dollar was last 0.05% higher at 104.91, holding on to some of its gains from the previous session after scaling a six-month peak on news that the U.S. services sector unexpectedly gained steam in August.
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/cTqSvxb
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/cTqSvxb
Jio Financial exits Nifty tomorrow: Will there be a ripple effect?
The decision to exclude the stock was taken as Jio Financial did not hit the price band in the last two trading sessions. The news of exclusion from NSE indices comes nearly a week after the stock was excluded from Sensex and other BSE indices.
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/VBAm9CP
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/VBAm9CP
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Daily Voice | This investment veteran finds private sector balance sheet in most exciting phase now

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-investment-veteran-finds-private-sector-balance-sheetmost-exciting-phase-now_17230141.html
Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma looking to raise stake
"There is never a day that I would not buy more equity in Paytm," Sharma told Bloomberg News in an interview on Monday. "The single largest shareholder of Paytm is now an Indian, that is myself, and I believe this is definitely a key milestone."
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/809DKLr
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/809DKLr
Monday, September 4, 2023
Daily Voice | Sanjay Chawla of Baroda BNP Paribas MF remains bullish on auto ancillary sector

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-sanjay-chawlabaroda-bnp-paribas-mf-remains-bullishautoancillary-sector_17228701.html
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Moneycontrol Pro Market Outlook | September starts on a positive note

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/moneycontrol-pro-market-outlook-|-september-starts-onpositive-note_17227571.html
Daily Voice | Populist fiscal moves in run-up to 2024 elections will be seen as negative by market, says Rahul Singh

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-populist-fiscal-movesrun-up-to-2024-elections-will-be-seen-as-negative-by-market-says-rahul-singh_17227011.html
Daily Voice | Populist fiscal moves in run-up to 2024 elections will be seen as negative by market, says Rahul Singh

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-populist-fiscal-movesrun-up-to-2024-elections-will-be-seen-as-negative-by-market-says-rahul-singh_17227021.html
Daily Voice | Populist fiscal moves in run-up to 2024 elections will be seen as negative by market, says Rahul Singh

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-populist-fiscal-movesrun-up-to-2024-elections-will-be-seen-as-negative-by-market-says-rahul-singh_17226981.html
Daily Voice | This investment adviser expects India to remain top investor pick among emerging markets

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-investment-adviser-expects-india-to-remain-top-investor-pick-among-emerging-markets_17226431.html
Friday, September 1, 2023
Daily Voice | This investment strategist thinks valuations in most consumer-oriented sectors are overextended

from Moneycontrol Market Outlook https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/daily-voice-|-this-investment-strategist-thinks-valuationsmost-consumer-oriented-sectorsoverextended_17226251.html
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Vikas Khemani on key triggers that will shape the market’s next big move
Most people kind of turned bearish on global concerns, oil prices. So, people tend to kind of extrapolate more bad news. So that has happene...
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